Pediatric sepsis is an organic dysfunction caused by a dysregulated response to infection, in the pediatric intensive care unit it has an incidence of up to 8% of all admissions. Early recognition of children with sepsis is an important measure to provide timely management and improve morbidity and mortality outcomes.
The diagnosis of sepsis is made in a child with a systemic inflammatory response syndrome associated with a bacterial infection, unfortunately, there is an interval between 24 to 72 hours until results of microbiological tests are obtained that allow to confirm or rule out the infection, this fact, delays the administration of targeted pharmacological measures. There are protocols that validate the use of biomarkers to guide management, among them; C-reactive protein and procalcitonin, however, lack of access and high cost limit their use. In our environment, it is a priority to find a sensitive, inexpensive and rapid biological marker that allows predicting mortality in septic children; in this context, mean platelet volume (MPV) is the ideal candidate due to its routine collection, low cost and proven effectiveness, characteristics that make it attractive in our environment that is often lacking in resources
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